Instruction to authors

The submitting author must be the same person who will present the abstract or full paper at the 2nd International Conference on Integrative Medicine 2022 (ICIM 2022). Please follow the guidelines below Able to submit works in both English and Chinese formats. The qualified abstracts and full papers will be in a supplement of Journal of Health Science and Alternative Medicine (Thai Journal Citation Index : TCI-2). If you have questions or require assistance with your abstract or full paper submission, please contact the conference secretariat at

Guideline for Abstract

  1. The title should not exceed 50 words.
  2. The abstract should be presented as a structured abstract; Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Abstracts of no more than 300 words must be submitted on the submission page. The abstract will be reviewed and sent back to authors for correction.
  3. Keywords are no more than 5 keywords.

Download Abstract format here:

Guideline for Full paper

  1. The title should not exceed 50 words.
  2. The abstract should be presented as a structured abstract; Introduction, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion. Abstract is no more than 300 words.
  3. Maximum length for full paper: 10 pages, including abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, references, figures and tables, and acknowledgements.
  4. Tables, figures and illustrations should be consecutively placed to the text, which must be referred to them.
  5. The list of the references should be appeared at the section of a manuscript. The Vancouver style is used and recommended.

Manuscript format
All submissions must be prepared as Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx), typed on an A4 paper size using font Times New Roman 12-point type. We cannot accept Acrobat (.pdf) or any other files. To ensure correct settings, the use of templates which can be downloaded in this website is strongly encouraged.

Type of submission and presentation
The authors can submit their works as ‘Abstract’ or ‘Full paper’, and choose a type of presentation for either ‘Oral’ or ‘Poster’. Please note that abstracts submitted for ‘oral’ may be accepted for ‘poster’.

Guidelines for oral presentation

Oral presentations are given in a 15 minute-slot, with approximately 12 minutes for the presentation and followed by 3 minutes for questions and answers.

  1. Presentations can be in PowerPoint (.ppt, .pptx) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.
  2. Presentations must be prepared and delivered in English.
  3. Authors present through ZOOM or may be changed as appropriate.
  4. Authors responsible for oral presentation are requested to deliver their file presentation via Google Drive:

By July 19, 2022.

****Please set your folder name as follows: First name_ your title

Guidelines for e-poster presentation
An e-poster presentation consists of 2 files that you must upload in via Google drive:

Poster file

  • The posters (size 120x80cm) are to be in English, suggested minimum font sizes: title: 36-point type, list of authors: 25-point type and body copy should be double-spaced text: 15-point type.
  • Use the Vancouver Reference style.
  • The title (abbreviations should be avoided in the title) should be as brief as possible but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study with the capitalized letter of the first word and without a period at the end.
  • The author/s and institutional affiliations and e-mail address of corresponding author at the top of the poster.
  • Contents within a poster consist of a brief introduction, objective, methods, summary of the results obtained, and conclusions.

Poster presentations file
Presentation Slot (3 minutes to Display your Poster) and presenters have to create video poster presentations and save a presentation as MP4.

****Poster presenters will submit and upload video poster presentations (.mp4) with poster file

by July 19, 2022 via google drive:

****Please set your folder name as follows: First name_ your title

Acceptance of Abstracts and full papers
The Organizing Committee reserves the right to decide whether a submission will be accepted, and the right to determine the presentation form. Abstract submitters will be notified of acceptance status and form of presentation by May 15 and July 14, 2022. Full paper submitters will be notified of acceptance status and form of presentation by May 15 and July 14, 2022.