speaker-08 Prof.Dr. Samlee Plianbangchang
former WHO Regional Director,
Southeast Asia Regional
“Global Health and Strengthening Health Care System for Infectious Disease Control”
  Dr. Daniel Kertesz
“Emerging Infectious Diseases in the region and beyond: WHO perspective on threats and opportunities”
 speaker1-06 Prof.Yong Poovorawan,M.D.
Faculty of Medicine , Chulalongkorn University
“Vision Trend Hepatitis in Thailand”
 speaker1-03 Prof.Dr. Roberto Bruzzone
Director of the International Teaching and Training program of the Institute Pasteur, HKU-Pasteur Research Pole, The University of Hong Kong
“The role of biomedical research and education in the global health agenda”
 speaker1-04 Prof. Michael Heinrich
Professor of Pharmacognogy, The UCL School of Pharmacy, University of London, UK
“Ethnopharmacology and Drug discovery
 speaker1-05 Dr. Pulok Kumar Mukherjae
Director, School of Natural Product Studies, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
“Quality Control of Medicinal Plant Materials
 speaker1-01 Prof. Byoung Mohk Choi
Graduate School, Far East University(FEU), Seoul, Korea
“Knowledge and Practice of Korean Traditional Medicine: The Sabo Acupuncture and Moxibustion”
Prof.Dr.Hiroshi Mizuno, MD
Graduate School, Far East University(FEU), Seoul, Korea
“The role of stem cells and soluble factors in tissue restoration/repair/regeneration and anti-aging medicine”
Ph.D. in Homeopathic Medicine, University of Hannover Doctor of Medicine, University of Chile
“Application of complementary medicine in a public hospital”
Prof. Umesh Kapil
Human Nutrition Unit ,
Regional Councilor- South East Asia-IEA
“Can Vitamin. A Supplementation reduce under five mortality in developing countries”